Friday, May 9, 2014

You have to start somewhere

I've debated starting a blog for awhile. Like many, I wondered if I had anything to add, if anyone cared, or if I even had (or needed) a cohesive theme for the page.

And then I decided that ultimately, if I was going to write a blog, it was going to be for me. If others take from it, that's great. If they don't, that's great, too.

I can tell you what this isn't going to be. It isn't a blog about how to parent, how to raise kids, how I've figured it all out. It probably won't be about food and exercising, either, because while I do occasionally Get It Right in that part of my life, it's not my passion.

It might be about how insecure I am as a parent, the many parenting fails I experience daily, and how I try to become better (and still often fail). Probably about the things I don't know how to do and cope with. And hopefully about the things that go right. The affirmations that even though I manage to fail quite frequently, my kids (and my husband) still love me.

And that's probably about as much of myself as I can risk today. I'm off to attempt a parent win with my 4 year old by going to Mother's Day tea at daycare. It might balance out the morning fail with the 6 year old. 

I'll still have to apologize to the 6 year old later.

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